1.  Introduction to this Guide

This User Guide will provide you with all the necessary information on how to access Quality First Academy’s e-learning courses and assessments. 

2.  Technical Requirements

Internet Connection: A stable, high-speed internet connection is necessary to access and complete the courses.

Multimedia Support: Courses may include various formats such as videos, which require audio. Ensure you have speakers, headphones, or earbuds connected.

Device Compatibility: You can access the eLearning courses on both computers and mobile device brewers.

You can use various browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) however make sure that you have the latest updates and ensure Cookies are enabled in your browser for the site (https://qualityfirst.ilite.co.za)

3.  Course Access

Once you are authorised as a user of the platform, you will be registered to access agreed courses. 

You will have access to your registered courses for a designated period, typically three months. During this time, you can review the course material as often as you like. Please note that all courses will close on November 15th this year to allow for updates and improvements for 2025.

4.  Navigation

Complete the content of each module and any activity (e.g. Quiz) before continuing to the next Module.

Navigation Tips:

1. The vertical menu on the left is the entire Course Index Menu. 

Here the entire contents of the course are shown as a navigation menu. You can open and close this index as preferred /needed. 
Courses are typically topic structured, with different sections. Each section includes various elements such as books (with chapters), pages containing hyperlinks, and activities like quizzes. To navigate through the course content, simply click on the links provided in the Course Index.

Please note that in some courses, although you can click on each section to view its structure, there may be restrictions. You might need to complete a section and its associated activities, such as quizzes, before you can access the content in the next section.

2. The vertical menu on the right is the “block drawer”. 

It is sometimes used to provide you with information, such as Tips or Resources. When you are accessing a “Book” in a section of the course, the menu for the book is displayed. You can use it to navigate through the book’s contents if necessary. It is used at time to provide you with information, for example Tips or Resources. 

When you are accessing a “Book” in a Section the course, the menu for the book is displayed. You can use it to move around the book contents, if necessary.  For example, for, the drawer has the book contents

3. When in the main page block of the site, use the next button at the end of a book section to proceed to the next. 
When you get to the end, click on the hyperlink to go to the activity (e. Quiz) ,  e.g.

You can also, alternatively click on the Quiz link in the left Course Menu

4. Some sections are automatically marked as completed (e.g. requirement "to view" changes to "viewed" as you have spent time reading the section. There are times, if you see the button , you must manually click on it to indicate you have completed that activity.

5.  Quiz Process Walk Through

Here is the link to the detailed information 

6.  Your Certificate

Once you have completed all the course material and assessments, you will be able to download your certificate.

7.  Support

If you have any questions or issues during the course, click on the link at the top of each Sections first page, to go straight to WhatsApp chat. 

Last modified: Thursday, 15 August 2024, 10:48 AM